About Contact Lenses
Contact lens technology has developed significantly over the years, offering comfort and providing crisp vision correction that helps restore your vision while maintaining white, healthy eyes. No matter your age or vision correction requirements, there is likely to be a Bausch + Lomb contact lens suited to your needs, and lifestyle. There are two types of contact lenses that can be used – soft or hard lenses.
Types of contact lenses
Soft Contact Lenses
- Made of soft, flexible plastics that allow oxygen to pass through to the cornea
- May be easier to adjust to and may be more comfortable than hard lenses
- Silicone-hydrogels and hypergels provide more comfort and allow oxygen to your eyes
- Require a frequent replacement schedule
Daily Disposable Contact Lenses
- A new pair of lenses is required daily
- Very convenient
- No cleaning regimen is needed
- Promotes ideal eye health (provided lenses aren’t used longer than the recommended 24 hour period)
Monthly Disposable Contact Lenses
- Need to be replaced monthly
- Should be removed from the eyes every day – then cleaned, rinsed and disinfected in solution overnight
- A more cost effective way for improved and convenient vision
- A strict cleaning regimen has to be adhered to maintain good quality vision, and promote eye health.
Extended Wear Contact Lenses
- Are available for overnight or continuous wear for up to 30 days
- Length of continuous wear depends on lens type and your eye care professional’s evaluation of your tolerance for overnight wear
- Your eyes need to rest without lenses for at least one night following each scheduled removal
Hard contact lenses or Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) contact lenses
- More durable and resistant to deposit build-up, providing clear, crisp vision
- Replaced once a year versus the replacement schedules of soft contact lenses
- Easier to handle and less likely to tear because they are made of harder plastics
- Not as comfortable as soft contacts and it may take a few weeks to get used to wearing
How to choose the right lens for you and your lifestyle
Daily Disposable
- Made to be worn once and then thrown away
- No cleaning regimen required
A convenient option as no lens care routine is required, daily lenses are ideal for those who:
- Are active
- Use lenses occasionally
- Like travelling
- Don’t want to clean lenses every night
Lenses are available for:
- Nearsightedness
- Farsightedness
- Astigmatism
- Presbyopia
Multifocal lens addresses your:
- Near vision
- Intermediate vision
- Distance vision
Monthly / Extended Wear Disposable
- Requires lenses to be cleaned daily (or before and after use) to ensure lenses are:
- Cleaned of debris and protein build-up
- Disinfected
- Moistened / lubricated in the lens case to ensure wearing comfort
The most common option that requires a strict lens care routine, monthly lenses are ideal for those who:
- Wear lenses everyday
- Require a cost effective option
- Require an extended wear option (due to difficulty inserting and removing lenses)
Lenses are available for:
- Nearsightedness
- Farsightedness
- Astigmatism Presbyopia
Multifocal lens addresses your:
- Near vision
- Intermediate vision
- Distance vision
Did you know?
Contact Lens basics
- Contact lenses mimic the function of the cornea, by bending light rays that enter the eye and focusing these rays at one point at the back of the eye – your retina – they translate light into vision, so that clear images are seen when light rays are properly focused onto the retina
- Contact lenses can’t get stuck or disappear behind your eye, as the inner surface of the eyelids has a thin, moist lining (the conjunctiva), which folds back and becomes the outer covering of the white part of the eyeball
- Your eye care professional will recommend a lens that is best suited for your eyes, as well as the amount of time that your lenses can be worn each day
- Avoid eye infections and keep your eyes comfortable by following the recommended lens replacement schedule
- Include a “rub and rinse” step in the lens cleaning process
- Minimise contact with water while wearing contact lenses because tap water contains harmful bacteria that can lead to eye infections
- Replace the lens case frequently to help reduce the risk of infection
Technological advances
- High-tech materials, like silicone, hydrogel and hypergel have been specifically designed to ensure sustained comfort throughout the day
- High-tech materials, like silicone, hydrogel and hypergel allow oxygen to reach your eyes for optimal eye health, giving you white, bright and healthy eyes all day long
- Coloured lenses are available (and safe to use) if you wish to enhance or change your eye colour, your eye care professional will need to fit these lenses just like any other contact lens
Who can wear contact lenses
- There is no age limit if you are interested in wearing contact lenses
- Depending on your sensitivity it may take anything from a day to a couple of weeks to get used to wearing contact lenses
- Consult your eye care professional to determine if you are ready / able to wear contact lenses
- Older patients may need different prescriptions for reading and distance vision, and may be prone to dry eyes
Tips for life with lenses
- Remove your lenses before using hair spray as aerosols and pump sprays are sticky and can leave a residue on your lenses
- Remove your lenses whenever you swim or shower, if you don’t, you could get an eye infection as unsterilized water (tap, sea or swimming poools) are loaded with bacteria and microorganisms
- Use appropriate swimming goggles if contact lenses are worn while swimming, they not only protect against lens loss from swimming under water, but they may also offer some protection from the environment
- Insert your lenses before applying make-up, if possible use oil-free and fragrance-free makeup
- Purchase new make-up frequently, use water-resistant mascara and eyeliner to prevent flaking and smudging, avoid lash-building fibres as they can cause irritation if they get underneath your lenses
- Glitter looks fabulous – but the tiny, shiny specks can get into your eyes and cause irritation /problems with your contact lenses, if you do use glitter lotions, powders and gels, be careful not to touch your eyes and wash the glitter off your hands right away
- To maintain healthy eyes and clear vision adhere to strict lens care routine and lens replacement schedule

Contact lens Care
Caring and cleaning your monthly disposable contact lenses in the morning
Wash your hands with soap, rinse and dry them with a lint-free towel
Remove your contact lens from the case. Place the lens in the palm of your hand and rinse with your contact lens solution
Place the lens in your eye, repeat these steps with the other contact lens
Empty your lens case, rinse it with your contact lens solution and shake dry
Leave the case with the caps off to air dry
Caring and cleaning your monthly disposable contact lenses in the evening
Wash your hands with soap, rinse and dry them with a lint-free towel
Remove your lens from your eye. Place the lens in the palm of your hand. Apply a few drops of your contact lens solution to each side of the lens and gently rub for 10 seconds on each side
Thoroughly rinse each side of the lens for 5 seconds with fresh contact lens solution
Empty your lens case, rinse it with your contact lens solution and shake dry
Place cleaned lens in the lens case, and fill with your contact lens solution. Soak for at least 4 hours, or overnight
- Never use water or any liquid other than a contact lens solution to clean your lenses
- Never re-use your contact lens solution, throw it away and use fresh contact lens solution
Frequently Asked Questions
How long will it take to get used to contact lenses?
It can take any where from one day to a couple of weeks, depending on the person.
How long can I wear my contact lenses?
Your eye care professional will recommend the length of time each day that your lenses can be worn. There isn’t a simple answer. With contact lenses it isn’t a ‘one size fits all’ approach. Your eye care professional will make a judgment based on your lifestyle and will discuss your wearing schedule with you. If you think you might be wearing your lenses longer than you should, or would like to wear them longer then talk it through with your eye care professional.
Can I store or clean contact lenses with tap water?
Contact lenses should never be stored in tap water, nor should they be rinsed with tap water. Tap water contains micro-organisms that can latch onto the lenses, encouraging eye infections — which if left untreated can lead to permanent vision loss. Make sure you always use a lens solution. Tap water should also never come into contact with your lens case for the same reasons and you should always use a contact lens solution to clean your lens case.
Can I re- use the solution in the storage case?
You should never re-use your contact lens solution. You should throw it out, rinse out your case with fresh solution, and let it air dry.
Are cosmetic (or coloured) lenses safe?
If you are looking for tinted lenses to enhance or change your eye colour, you will need to be fitted for coloured contact lenses by your eye care professional just like any other contact lens.